
REBLOG Wednesday?? Humpday Humanity re-Hash?? You Wrote it Wednesday??

I’ve wanted to have a regular day for REBLOGs for quite some time. Some blog posts just need another chance! Below is my first edition!!

But first, I haven’t seen this anywhere as a “thing” so I’m inventing it I think (invent is a stretch I know). I need 1) a name and 2) some rules and 3) there’s a small problem (probably it’s a personal problem).

1) Name: I’m open to suggestion on a name!! Today in the title you can see some attempts. There is nothing new under the sun, so The Modern Philosopher (a great blog if you haven’t seen it) got me thinking about alliterations this week, and also thought of plagiarizing from my friend @ anewperspectiveperhaps who does “You Write it Wednesdays” (ohp! just gave you credit so no longer plagiarizing).

2) Rules: The rules are just one: if it makes me laugh out loud or it makes me cry inside (my eyes don’t actually cry) it might be eligible. The trouble won’t be finding something, the trouble will be narrowing it down!!! You guys are awesome!! And it’s not really a contest and there are no prizes and probably i am the only one who cares, so not sure I need to publish the rule – but there it is.

3) Problem: I don’t like the way WP’s REBLOGs look. When I have reblogged or when I read others’ reblogs, it is somewhat confusing where one starts and the other ends. This problem solving part of my brain is a part I don’t want to use when blogging. Possible solution – link the original post instead of REBLOG – but then it isn’t really a REBLOG. Hmmmm – life is full of challenges!!

Veteran bloggers and REBLOG enthusiasts – I am open your thoughts!!

This morning I was really putting some brain power to the “REBLOG Day” idea. This can be actually very scary. Then, I read an awesome post by the Worst Ex Wife Ever and she reminded me to follow the prompts. So here it is . . .

HERE IS MY FIRST REBLOG for #reblogwednesday (cheers, applause, confetti)

Trust me, this is worth the read!!!

Stop all wayS <<<< Must click Here to read**
 Picture from original blog post on Worst Ex Wife Ever


**Yup, I did it as a LINK and not a REBLOG – ha!! ‘Cause I don’t think I can add all my own cool links and the picture and my own title I’d have to edit and stuff if I reblog – a reblog just is the original post with my comment at the top instead of the bottom – that’s boring!!