How’s it going?

How’s it going?

Not so good really. In fact I’d say it’s going poorly to be mild. Wow – what a bummer of a way to start off. But that’s just exactly why I’m here and probably if you are still reading why you are here too. Nothing like hitting 45 and feeling like you don’t know where you are, where you’re going or where you’ve been.

In a lot of ways I’m on the top of the world, but still having a hard time seeing through the fog. There is nothing particularly bad about my life, though, soon enough you will see there are some extremes to be dealt with (one at a time over time) and some questions about where to go next and just how to get there.

Is it Mid-Life Crisis (whatever that is)? Is it Depression? Is it Laziness? Is it Fatigue?

Answer: Yes, I think it is!!

Here’s the short of it. I’m a 45 year old man in a respectable profession, supporting my family well enough. In an hour I have my weekly appointment with my therapist, recommended by the M.D. who prescribes my anti-depressants and Viagra. This morning my wife said I should set up an appointment for marriage counseling. Last week our youngest son (18) told us he is gay and asking another boy to prom. Oh, there is more. LOT’s more – but this is just what is happening right now.

My theme for this year is Strong Mind, Strong Body. It’s April and I’ve been only moderately successful in my progress, but still hopeful.

Nice to meet you!! How’s it going with you?



  1. Hello, My name is GC (not my real name) for the similar reasoning you had in your “Am i cheating on my wife” post. I wanted to start a blog because of the things in my life that i felt i had to overcome alone. I decided to start last night. I received a phone call from my brothers wife that he had relapsed on heroin (gross). He had a long history of drug abuse. Our mother just passed away this summer. I wanted to start this to help others. I’m 20 years old and i’m in college. I’ve had many friends who have suffered from depression and myself included have severe depression and anxiety. I kind of let it rule my life but my thought is maybe I can use it to help other people overcome their problems, hence the name “FriendsOvercome”. I’m very new to this. After reading through some of your posts I felt you were a great person who is just trying to find an answer. I think your doing it right. Blogging might be that for you. Aside from the depression I always wanted to be a leader. I don’t like how so many people think they are alone. Maybe you can give me some feedback on that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. GC welcome!! Blogging has been a FABULOUS outlet for me. Check out the blogs of some of the people who comment on mine. Various issues, but all great people of various ages trying to navigate through life. It seems like there are a lot of ways and a lot of ideas, but in the end everyone here has been sooooo supportive and encouraging!!

      I’ll check out your blog, thanks for stopping by and saying hi! Virtual cheers!


I'm an open book - would love to hear your thoughts!