Briefly on Love

Love is a CHOICE not an emotion. It’s something we do, not something we feel. It’s something we are confident we are receiving or something we know is missing.

Choose to allow your heart to follow your head, not the other way around.

This is why I am choosing to stay today. Choosing to love her because I know she loves me well and is good for me  –  usually 🙂


  1. I respectfully disagree. There has to be some emotion. Actions can reinforce or counter those emotions, but at the end of the day, you gotta feel something.

    Good luck. If she makes you a better person, and makes you happy more often than not, then she’s good people and worth fighting for.



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    1. You can just flat out disagree if you want – you don’t have to be respectful about it. 😉

      You are right – It was a reaction to something else. I just get bent when we only follow heart (or other body parts) and no head.

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      1. I know, you’re ready to drop everything to come pursue me. Sigh. I get that a lot. 😉 But I support your decision to work on your marriage – she’s one lucky lady!


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  2. you know God loves a man who loves and respects his wife.As long as you choose to love her.know that you have his blessings and support. (if GOD be for you who can stand against you) so happy for you..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow Chris. . I love the part that

    Choose to allow your heart to follow your head, not the other way around.

    And yes.. Truly love is a choice. . Let’s choose to love truly, madly and deeply. Always 🙂


    1. thank you – this is such a hard thing to do – let your head lead instead of your heart. Sounds easy, but it truly is not.

      Thanks for your kind words today – just another example of our wonderful community.


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